Eternal Grand Master H.U. Lee and his family had a dream to see Taekwondo in Special Olympics.
Over a decade of dedication and persaverance has paid off. Non-Contact Taekwondo has been accepted into Special Olympics Texas, and the first tournament will be held in Fort Worth, Texas on April 19, 2025 at the Fort Worth Convention Center.
Scan the QR-code to locate a participating school near you. They will help you and your athlete prepare for competion and have a wonderful experience.
Poomsae (forms). Your athlete will be able to create a form with traditional taekwondo moves that highlights their strengths.
Creative Forms. This is an exciting event where an athlete may add both music and gymnastics to their performance. Their routine may be done with or without use of a training tool.
Training Tools. A series of choreographed moves using training tools such as: foam nunchucks, foam long staff, foam short sticks, and plastic simulated swords.
Board Breaking. Athletes, along with their coach(es), choose their own breaking techniques with either their hand, foot, or a combination of both. Safety gear may be worn. The difficulty of the rebreakable plastic board used is up to the competitor and their coach.
Unified Team Sync. There are two members with one member being a Special Olympics athlete and one member being neurotypical. These forms may include gymnastics-type moves as well as traditional and creative moves. This event allows athletes to be creative with their moves and music while working in cooperation with a partner.